


Metaphysics 形而上学 宇宙、世界和存在的本质

Epistemology 认识论 如何认识知识

Value Theory 价值论 ---

  • Ethics 人类应该如何彼此相处
  • Aesthetics 研究美与艺术

哲学家的工具箱 --- 逻辑 Logic

逻辑用于推理,为了行成没有 谬误 的论证。

柏拉图 --- 三重灵魂:

  • rational | logical
  • spirited | emotional
  • appetitive | physical desires


deduction 演绎 / induction 归纳 / abduction 溯因(通过排除可能的解释进行推理)

柏拉图 《理想国》 Myth of the cave --- reality shock


勒内·笛卡尔 René Descartes

Early 17th century

Cartesian Skepticism

If he examined each possible belief carefully, and onlu acceppt those about which where coule bu no doube, then he'd know he was only believing true things.


从 Empirical belief (Deliefs that we form through the use of our senses) 开始,然而感官不一定是正确的。

Local Doubts

Doubts about a particular sense experience, or some other occurence at a proticular point in time.

在离开 local 之后,就能察觉 local doubts 的错误性。

Global Doubt

The kind you can't step out of and thus can't check.

罗素: 5 Minute Hypothesis. 如果世界只是诞生于5分钟以前? 只是被设计的像是很久以前就存在的,来欺骗人类?

罗素的问题: 这重要吗?


Radical Skepticism

We really can't trust any of our beliefs


Cogito ergo sum

I think, therefore, I am.

--- Meditations on First Philosophy


  • 我正在思考
  • 上帝存在




笛卡尔的反对者认为 我思故我在 是一个死胡同。


  • Rationalism 笛卡尔、柏拉图
  • Empiricism 约翰·洛克、亚里士多德

John Locke:


We're born knowing nothing . And instead, all of our knowledge comes to us through sense data .


Primary Qualities

Qualities that physical objects themselves have.

Secondary Qualities

Our senses

The distinction between primiary and secondary qualities explained the disagreements that we all have about our perceptions of the outside world .

Irish philosopher George Berkeley:

无法发现任何第一性质而同时不考虑第二性质。 无法抽离第二性质而只考虑第一性质。

Secondary qualities are not objectively real. They can only be subjectively perceived .

$\Rightarrow$ There's just no such thing as matter . Instead, There's only perceptions .

Esse est percepi

To be is to be perceived

---George Berkeley

God is the ultimate perciver.

The meaning of Knowledge


A linguistic act --- either spoken or writen --- that has a truth value .

Truth Value

The state of being either true , or false, or indeterminate .

All declarative sentences (陈述句) have truth values. Declarations that assert something about the past or present are either true or false. Assertions about the future are indeterminate .


The content of your assertion. The underlying meaning of what you're saying.


Propositional attitude of truth .


(Traditional Definition) Jusified true belief.


Evidence , or other support, for your belief .

kinds of justification:

  • Testimony
  • First person observation

Gettier Cases

Situtaions in which one can have jusified true belief , but not knowledge .

e.g. 你看见了草原上有一只羊,但它其实是一条狗,而草原上你看不到的地方确实有一只羊。 那么你有 证实为真的信念 ,这却并不是__知识__ 。

Karl Popper, 1902


  • science disconfirms
  • pseudo-science confirms

Anselm 认为上帝的存在是可以证明的

ontology & ontological arguments

God is that than which no greater can be conceived. --- Anselm

Something can exist only in our minds and be strictly imaginary --- like santa, or unicorns. Or it can exist in our minds but also in reality , linke pizza and horses --- something that we can imagine, but that's also real.


康德:一个物体存在并不是 predicate 。

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